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Christmas Celebration

On Wednesday 3rd December KS1 and KS2 had the fabulous opportunity to perform their Christmas Celebration Concert at The Princess Theatre, Torquay.
The curtain rose and to everyones delight KS2 began the show by singing a collection of Christmas songs. They sang in two part harmony and were accompanied by ukuleles, a harp and some bells. The children wore a colourful array of Christmas costumes and sang beautifully which filled the whole theatre with Christmas spirit!
This years KS1 nativity was a musical called ‘Baubles’ set in a primary school with an industrious and creative caretaker who helped to make Christmas special for the children in her school.  Our children rose to the occasion and performed brilliantly to a packed theatre.  We were really impressed with their incredible singing, acting and enthusiasm for the whole show.  
Many thanks to the Princess Theatre for organising such a great opportunity and for adding a bit of Christmas magic with the amazing set, lights and of course the snow!
