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At Roselands, all of our children are musicians. We progress from EYFS, developing skills and knowledge in weekly Music lessons using well-resourced equipment.  Music is inclusive and all children participate in the lessons.  Singing is important in Roselands. As well as singing in class, we have weekly Performance Singing Assemblies, to develop our technique and experience a range of songs and listening in different genres. Further development in singing is offered through Performing Arts club in which children strengthen their own skills, as well as
having the opportunity to work and perform locally and nationally in groups such as Young Voices.

In class, our children experience a range of instruments, including tuned and untuned percussion, ukuleles and violins. Music is taught regularly and lessons are supported through online resources. This provides planning support and ensures progression from one year group to the next. The subject lead monitors music through pupil conferencing, observations and discussions with staff. Assessments are recorded to ensure children are in line with Age Related Expectations against National Curriculum criteria.

The local Music Hub supports extra provision through Whole Class Ensemble Tuition funding. This funds classroom provision and facilitates pupil choice for small group tuition. It is important that the children in Roselands develop as well-rounded musicians, focussing on solo and ensemble performance skills, as well as composition and active listening and appraising. They become adept at improving their own and others’ work through their listening skills. Children are regularly offered performance opportunities in school assemblies and with concerts to family and
friends. In addition, they are coached in authentic career opportunity choices such as film score composing or performing.


As well as weekly music in class, children are given the opportunity to progress further through lessons with visiting peripatetic teachers. Lessons are offered on a variety of instruments and voice. Roselands also offers a variety of musical clubs throughout the year.  Offering children the chance to experience music and be musicians is hugely important to us. Children who would like to take their classroom experience further, have the opportunity to learn in small groups or 1:1 with professional peripatetic teachers. Lessons are currently offered on piano, guitar, ukulele and keyboard. For more information, please contact the school office: 
