At Roselands, we aim for Science to be inspiring, enjoyable and thought provoking. The high quality curriculum is challenging, progressive and develops pupils’ natural curiosity in the world around them, encouraging independence, excitement and collaboration. Children are involved in creating and asking questions which they can investigate to enable them to follow their own line of enquiry. We aim to guide our pupils through science to prepare them for their future in shaping our scientific world. Our pupils will develop their knowledge, skills, concepts and positive attitudes through a contextual science curriculum, utilising our local and wider environment. As scientists, pupils will focus on the key features of scientific enquiry through: observing over time, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair testing, and research using secondary sources. They will seek to ask questions, use scientific vocabulary, articulate concepts and create hypotheses. Children will immerse themselves in experimentation, record and analyse their data in a purposeful and exciting context.