Home Page

Years 1 and 2

Welcome to Year 1 and 2 at Roselands Primary School! 


On this page you will find the timetables for each of the classes in Year 1 and 2.  You will also find the knowledge organisers for all subjects which contain the key knowledge that the children will be learning in each of the subject areas over the half term. 

Class timetables:

Your child’s class-teacher has created this access code to enable you to view the Jigsaw PSHE online lesson planning and slides that the school is using to help them deliver high quality PSHE teaching and learning opportunities in the classroom. These meet all the statutory requirements for this curriculum area.

The areas shared with you are:

 An overview of the puzzle theme

 A downloadable knowledge organiser (primary only) giving you an overview of the Learning Intentions and the vocabulary that may be used, and some ideas of questions you can use to extend learning in this topic at home

 Generic lesson planning and slides for the topic that is being taught at this time (or is about to be taught depending on the time in the term you access it)


These have all been written as part of a whole school spiral and progressive curriculum that helps children to build on previous learning in the Puzzle theme from earlier years, and prepare for future learning both in and out of school. It should be noted that you will have access to the generic Jigsaw lesson planning. Should you wish to see how your school has adapted/deliver these materials please contact your child’s teacher.


To Access, please visit: and enter the code: 000*-3291
