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Inclusion, safeguarding and equality of opportunity

As a school, we take great pride in providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all of our students. Our commitment to inclusion, safeguarding and equality of opportunity is an integral part of our ethos and values. Through our Personal Development curriculum, we aim to empower our students with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to succeed in the wider world. Our whole curriculum is tailored for the individual needs of our students so that it can be accessed by all. 


We have mapped out our PSHE curriculum and safeguarding assemblies across the year, ensuring that there is a focus on a range of important issues. This includes topics such as mental health, relationships and education, anti-bullying and online safety. By doing so, we aim to give our students a comprehensive understanding of the world around them and promote their personal development. We consider our vulnerable pupils: their prior experiences and any traumas (ACES) experienced, to ensure a personalised approach to the curriculum, as appropriate. 


Roselands promotes an environment free from threat, harassment and any type of

bullying behaviour. 


We ensure all members of the school community have an understanding of what constitutes bullying.  We create an atmosphere and environment where children, parents and staff feel able to tell the school about bullying if it arises and are confident it will be taken seriously and dealt with and put in place clear procedures for dealing with incidents of bullying.  To promote anti-bullying and ensure everyone feels safe at Roselands, each year we support the national anti-bullying week. 



This year there was a focus on 'one kind word' and this has been emphasised in our assemblies and strongly linked to our respect school value. 



Additionally, we take a contextual approach to safeguarding, taking into account the unique characteristics of our local area. For example, we work closely with the RNLI and promote water safety as a paramount priority. We also emphasise rail safety as a concern for our students. This way, we can provide meaningful support to our students and help to create a safer community for everyone.  


We believe that every student has the right to equal opportunities and access to education, regardless of their background or circumstances. By fostering an inclusive environment that values diversity and promotes respect, we create a culture of achievement where everyone can reach their potential.


Online safety is delivered through personal development sessions and at the beginning of each unit of each computing unit of learning.  As well as this, the school raise awareness of internet safety each year through the safer internet day around February 6th.  Communication and support for parents around internet safety is also in place via our school website and with regular updates and information via the school newsletter and emails.
