Word parade
At Roselands we decided to 'dress as a word' again for World Book Day this year! This meant that all children could join in without having to buy new outfits!
Our exciting day began with a word parade in the playground. The children listened to music and clapped as they paraded around showing off their amazing World Book Day outfits! The effort made by the children (and parents and teachers!) to showcase a range of words was fantastic!
Visiting artist
We were incredibly lucky this year to be offered the services of a local artist, Claire Harmer, who supported the children in creating their own scrap book based on one of the texts they have been reading in class! The children were inspired after her assembly and all returned to class, working incredibly hard on creating their own scrap book. This was great fun and a real highlight to our World Book Day!
The Book Swap
There's nothing quite like that feeling that you get when you get to choose a new book. All of the children at Roselands got that feeling on World Book Day in our brilliant Book Swap! The children all donated their pre-loved books so that somebody else could enjoy them!
Guess the staff member
The children were tasked as working as a class to identify the staff members reading in unusual places! The children thoroughly enjoyed looking through these pictures and we had one class with full marks! Our winning classes were Ruby, Topaz and Aquamarine who all got to choose some new books for their classroom reading areas.
Other activities
The staff planned a whole host of other activities to fill up the day with book related fun. The children spent time reading with their buddy class and took part in designing and creating different book related things!
Although we did lots of fun things to celebrate World Book Day, everyday at Roselands is a celebration of books and reading!