Children in Key Stage 2 take part in whole class reading lessons four times a week.
We have carefully selected high quality, age-related texts for our children to read during our whole class reading lessons. During these lessons the children are taught to understand new vocabulary, as well as infer, predict, explain, retrieve and summarise. Part of our week incorporates 'Reader's Theatre' where children practice explore a section of the text in depth and practise reading it aloud, which helps to improve their fluency (the ability to read with accuracy, speed and expression).
Our whole class reading lessons offer many opportunities for discussion within the classroom so that the children can share their thoughts and ideas, developing their understanding of the text. Children also answer written comprehension questions at least once a week to enable them to practise the skills that they have learnt.
Each year group has four dedicated whole class reading lessons each week which follow the same pattern:
Day 1 - Vocabulary pre-teaching
Day 2 - Reading the text (or part of the text)
Day 3 - Reader's Theatre
Day 4 - Comprehension
We are passionate that our approach not only teaches the children to develop their fluency and comprehension, but also promotes a deep love of reading and books.