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Home Learning




All children throughout the school are expected to read at home at least 3 times per week for 15-20 minutes – this should be recorded in home-school books.  For children in Reception to year 4, a family member comment is expected. E.g. ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory p.71-78. Good understanding of the chapter and read fluently.


For children in years 5 and 6, children are expected to still be reading at least 3 times per week for 15-20 minutes.  However, they are welcome to record their reading themselves in their home-school book.


For children in EYFS and KS1 (Reception to year 2) this will be a combination of phonics books that they bring home each week or accessing books they have been allocated on Collins Hub online. Children in these year groups will also be bringing home a reading for pleasure book each week.


Phonics and Spelling

In Key Stage 1 (year 1 and 2) work is set to support the children practising their common exception words and focus graphemes on Spelling Shed.  They will be able to access games that practise set words to consolidate their in school learning.


Each term the children will be tested on their spellings of the common exception words. A copy of these words will be sent home with highlighted target words to be practised at home. 


For children in Key Stage 2 (years 3-6), a weekly spelling set will be sent home on a Friday to consolidate the week’s spelling rule.  Children can practise these spellings in their spelling book and return it the following Friday.  Activities will also be set on Spelling Shed which should be able to be completed independently by your child.

The medium term plan for spelling in Key Stage 2 can be found below:

Medium term spelling plan 



In EYFS (from autumn 2) and Key Stage 1, children are expected to access Numbots each week where they have a selection of activities to take part in - often linked to their fluency learning. 


In Key Stage 2, children use times table rock stars (TTRS) which is an online platform to ensure they have a rapid recall of all multiplication and division facts up to 12x12.  Year 3 and 4 children will have a focus multiplication set that they will be working on, whilst year 5 and 6 children will be expected to practise a range of times tables. The children are expected to access TTRS weekly.


In Key Stage Two, a maths activity may be set. This may not be a weekly activity but your child’s class teacher will communicate with you via seesaw when one has been set.



For children in EYFS, a Friday seesaw message may include suggestions of activities your child can do at home which supports the wider curriculum focus and topic.


Year 6

To prepare children for secondary school, year 6 will receive Maths and SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) homework in order to consolidate end of year expectations.



For some children that find some concepts of learning difficult, teachers will work with parents and children to give them boosts.  This could well be in the form of homework. 

For children, who want to do extra work to consolidate learning or practice what they have learnt, they are able to access online resources on the school website.

Roselands Remote Learning Statement
